... I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your
LifeWork newsletter. It is one of the few pieces of mail that I enjoy receiving
and benefit from. It gives me hope and reminds me that I deserve to be happy
and fulfilled in whatever I do for a living. - M.B
... I wanted to tell you how much
I appreciate the newsletters. I always enjoy them...I try to work every day at
living my life more respectfully and trying to remember that life is precious
and there are no guarantees... but it is really hard! Your newsletter has come
at a a great time and I am going to forward a copy to both of my sons as your
thoughts will certainly be a great inspiration to them as well...Thank you and
I look forward to your next publication!
- S.R.
... Thank you for your wisdom and insight while assisting
me in discovering my "passion." I feel more excitement and confidence
for the direction my life is going. Gone is that feeling of "what do I want?" and "I
don't know." I do know, and it's wonderful! Continue your excellent work. - S.G
... I felt compelled to thank you
for your inspiration and hope. Your article, as well as the interviews of others
as they embark on this noble journey, offer me such a great sense of connection
and validation as I too struggle in my process to find my desires and core. ...I
think what you're doing is beautiful, and it is indeed greatly appreciated. - S.F.
For years I have been on your mailing
list. As one who always seems to feel my lifework is just within my grasp but
not quite reachable, I find great pleasure in arriving home and finding your
LifeWork newsletter in my post box. - D.W.
... I love your publication, and every
time I get it I always feel like writing you a letter...
I am working on a Master's degree in teaching. It's
been a long and winding road, but I finish this August. I'm doing my student
teaching right now at a rural high school.... I went to a good high school, followed
by a liberal arts college, but career was never mentioned... I've been a minister,
a counselor, a catering manager, a chef and a small business owner. I love working
with kids, especially adolescents. I think I have more to give the kids now than
I had 20 years ago.
I think that I am supposed to be just where I am somehow.
I'm trusting the process and taking each step as it comes.... - L.H.
... I always enjoy LifeWork. The "crooked-line
life" is so applicable to me! I feel that I could not be doing what I'm
doing now without the learning I've gotten from every twist and turn of the path
that got me here! Keep on writing! It makes a difference. - Y. L.
... Thanks for helping me change my
life! I love my work and while I have the sense this is just one stop on the
journey, I'm enjoying the path! Thank you for believing I could do it when I
didn't believe it! And thanks for lighting the path. - K.M.
... You are definitely one of my "angels!" I
was wobbling about, practising the art of BEING HERE (where else can I be?),
when your newsletter arrived! Thanks for letting me give myself permission to
be wobbly, non-linear, interior! I am definitely in the process of re-making
myself. I want a NEW LIFE not just another job! It's just taking a bit longer
than I thought! - E.B.
... Your publication inspires and
motivates me to not give up on my own personal quest. Thanks for the continued
insight. - S.P.
I have looked forward to, read, re-read, and appreciated
each issue of your newsletter as it arrived in my mail. Still I was blown away
by the impact of the compilation. All ten years' worth of newsletters together
in one BIG book. Your sharing of your thoughts, feelings, and personal experiences
demonstrates the depth and quality of your own commitment to the path of right
livelihood. But what you have written goes beyond right livelihood and speaks
to just being alive -- consciously, responsibly, joyfully, and courageously --
in the world we are living in now. What a gift. Thank you for sharing yourself
and your wisdom with me, with all of us readers. Please continue. - JC
I have devotedly read your newsletters
for many years but last night I started reading your compilation, and could hardly
put it down. The variety in it offers so much to readers and the unfolding of
you and your life through the last ten years adds so much. I felt inspired. Many
of your reflections helped me, because I have been stymied by the kind of intangible
skills that I possess, that are not greatly honored "out there" and
consequently discounted, especially by me.
- K.D.
I received your book as a gift...
I started reading it one night at 10:00 and couldn't put it down. I read it straight
through until 1:45 in the morning. THANK YOU. It is fantastic. I just had to
call to give you that feedback.
- J.K.
Thank you so much for putting together
the "Ten Years in Print" compilation. I knew when I ordered it, that
it would hold a special place on my shelves of favorite books because of the
depth and honesty and heart that I found in your LifeWork newsletters. But to
actually hold the compilation in my hands and have at my fingertips ten years
worth of writing and stories on life and passion and work is such a gift, I had
to write and thank you.
I also appreciate the added "Reflections" pages.
Your photographic images with their grace, power and serenity, along with quotes
from other spiritual seekers and thinkers bring me much to contemplate... I am
taking more time, finally, for sitting with myself and being quiet. For listening.
For asking.
Please know your energies and dedication in writing
and compiling this material are appreciated. - A.A.
LifeWork has been my quiet resource of support. I visited
closely over every word with a cup of tea and held the spirit of your path. Your
writing has given me a delightful and introspective reflection, left me feeling
less alone in my dance. Thank you for all the encouragement you blessed me with
and how special a place in my heart you've carved. - C.T.
Your wisdom and honesty have helped
me tremendously over the years. LifeWork is so rich and relevant. I have found
comfort and perspective every time I read it. Thank you for being here for all
of us. You are exceptional, inspirational, and your humanity and generosity has
been invaluable in my life and times. - J. S.
A word of gratitude for your inspiring
words that you have shared with us over the 12 years. I am grateful for the encouragement
to allow the process to lead me to my work. - E.M.I.
Upon reading your 1st LifeWork issue,
I was hooked. I eagerly anticipated each issue and always looked forward to finding
a quiet spot to pour over your delicious quotes, and editorial and articles which
always seem to strike a chord and reach me somewhere deep. I will miss it.
- N.D.