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Sacred Seeds Press
Heath's Editioned Books


Umbrella Wisdom

The handbook of wisdom we wished we’d been handed when launching into the world. Wisdom with humor, 21 “truths” including: letting go; the 50% rule; getting wet.


#2 Growing Up: if you are still trying to figure out
what you want to be when you grow up, you’ve either not been paying attention to the many clues, you’re in denial, or you’re letting fear rule. Start paying attention, get help if you need it, and stop thinking you have the luxury of forever.

#8. Safety... is an expensive illusion. Give it up! The things you think the most safe are the very things that keep you small and scared.
Try doing 6 impossible things before breakfast.


5" x 5". Hand-painted Lennox watercolor paper with hand sewn binding.
24 pages.
Price including tax and shipping $42.




        All images and text ©2006-2010 Heath Frost. All rights reserved.

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